
Prevalence of Acinetobacter baumannii and Candida auris in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation

Early Recent, Oct 12, 2023

Key Points


What is the statewide prevalence of 2 emerging pathogens, Acinetobacter baumannii and Candida auris, among patients receiving mechanical ventilation?


A baumannii was identified in 30.7%, carbapenem-resistant A baumannii (CRAB) in 59.5% of those samples, and Candida auris was identified in 6.6% of all patients receiving mechanical ventilation in Maryland. Patients in long-term care facilities were more likely to be colonized with A baumannii, CRAB, and C auris compared with patients in acute care facilities.


This study should be repeated in other US states to determine the burden of these pathogens among patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Increased surveillance and prevention efforts should be directed at long-term care facilities.


To date, only 1 statewide prevalence survey has been performed for Acinetobacter baumannii (2009) in the US, and no statewide prevalence survey has been performed for Candida auris, making the current burden of these emerging pathogens unknown.


To determine the prevalence of A baumannii and C auris among patients receiving mechanical ventilation in Maryland.

Design, Setting, and Participants

The Maryland Multi-Drug Resistant Organism Prevention Collaborative performed a statewide cross-sectional point prevalence of patients receiving mechanical ventilation admitted to acute care hospitals (n = 33) and long-term care facilities (n = 18) between March 7, 2023, and June 8, 2023. Surveillance cultures (sputum, perianal, arm/leg, and axilla/groin) were obtained from all patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Sputum, perianal, and arm/leg cultures were tested for A baumannii and antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed. Axilla/groin cultures were tested by polymerase chain reaction for C auris.
马里兰耐多药生物预防合作组织对急性护理医院接受机械通气的患者进行了全州范围的横断面点患病率(n = 33)和长期护理设施(n = 18) 在2023年3月7日至2023年6月8日期间。对所有接受机械通气的患者进行监测培养(痰、肛周、胳膊/腿和腋窝/腹股沟)。对痰、肛周和手臂/腿部培养物进行鲍曼氏菌检测,并进行抗生素敏感性检测。通过聚合酶链式反应检测Axilla/腹股沟培养物中的金黄色葡萄球菌。

Main Outcomes and Measures

Prevalence of A baumannii, carbapenem-resistant A baumannii (CRAB), and C auris. Prevalence was stratified by type of facility.


All 51 eligible health care facilities (100%) participated in the survey. A total of 482 patients receiving mechanical ventilation were screened for A baumannii and 470 were screened for C auris. Among the 482 patients who had samples collected, 30.7% (148/482) grew A baumannii, 88 of the 148 (59.5%) of these A baumannii were CRAB, and C auris was identified in 31 of 470 (6.6%). Patients in long-term care facilities were more likely to be colonized with A baumannii (relative risk [RR], 7.66 [95% CI, 5.11-11.50], P P C auris (RR, 1.97 [95% CI,0.99-3.92], P = .05) compared with patients in acute care hospitals. Nine patients (29.0%) with cultures positive for C auris were previously unreported to the Maryland Department of Health.
所有51家符合条件的卫生保健机构(100%)都参加了调查。共有482名接受机械通气的患者接受了鲍曼不动杆菌筛查,470名患者接受了金黄色葡萄球菌筛查。在采集样本的482名患者中,30.7%(148/482)患有鲍曼不动杆菌,148名患者中88名(59.5%)患有CRAB,470名中31名(6.6%)患有金黄色葡萄球菌。长期护理机构中的患者更有可能被鲍曼不动杆菌定植(相对风险 [RR],7.66 [95% CI,5.11-11.50],P < .001)、CRAB(RR,5.48 [95% CI, 3.38-8.91],P < .001) 和耳念珠菌 (RR,1.97 [95% CI,0.99-3.92],P = .05) 与急症护理医院的患者相比。九名耳念珠菌培养呈阳性的患者 (29.0%) 此前未向马里兰州卫生部报告。结论 鲍曼不动杆菌、耐碳青霉烯类鲍曼不动杆菌和耳念珠菌在急症护理医院和长期护理机构接受机械通气的患者中很常见。这两种病原体在长期护理机构中比在急症护理医院中更为常见。在长期护理机构中接受机械通气的患者是新出现病原体的高危人群,监测和预防工作应针对这些机构。


A baumannii, carbapenem-resistant A baumannii, and C auris were common among patients receiving mechanical ventilation in both acute care hospitals and long-term care facilities. Both pathogens were significantly more common in long-term care facilities than in acute care hospitals. Patients receiving mechanical ventilation in long-term care facilities are a high-risk population for emerging pathogens, and surveillance and prevention efforts should be targeted to these facilities.




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Prevalence of Acinetobacter baumannii and Candida auris in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation

Early Recent, Oct 12, 2023


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