一. 本进展的历史回顾(每年发布的时候都会说这些)“重症医学国际临床研究进展”是一个从2007年持续到现在的个人项目。早年是发布在目前都已经消失的个人搜狐博客和网易博客上,现在发布在个人微信公众号——所以,个人的这些网上足迹,也算是国内互联网发展的一个侧面见证了。后来觉得就这么发在网页而不变成铅字有点浪费,于是开始投稿。最先是投稿于当时创刊不久的华西的《中国呼吸与危重监护杂志》,后来在马晓春老师的推荐下,就一直发表在了李银平主任那里的《中国危重病急救医学》杂志,后来杂志也成为“中华牌”的一员。本来以为这已经是一个成熟的系列,这样年复一年作下去即可,但新冠疫情真的让世界改变的太多!——2022年我突然调离科研管理部,受命负责单位的疫情控制,在大连不断遭受疫情冲击,指挥调度身心俱疲的情况下,在2022年底至2023年年初,就已经决定偷懒,所以2023年就没有总结了。这次为什么又提笔了?也是年底冲动,作了2023年的课件,但没有变成发表投稿的文字—— 具体怎么冲动的,可以参见上一篇文章:《重症医学临床研究2023 回顾及展望》预报之所以没投稿的原因,除了没缓过劲之外,还是今年纳入的内容太多了。今年54页的幻灯片量远高于既往30-35页的水平,而且纳入的研究基本都是来自NEJM/JAMA(含子刊)/AJRCCM/LANCET(含子刊),critical care 仅3-4篇,Chest和intensive care medicine等才各只有一篇,著名的criticial care medicine竟然一篇没有!可以说纳入研究的份量和证据等级都很高,这么些内容整理成文估计是一个超级大工程,我就继续偷懒了!先把既往的进展列到这里:2021重症医学进展 (提供下载)2020国际重症医学临床研究进展2019国际重症医学回顾与展望(含下载链接)课件发布:2018国际重症医学临床研究荟萃与展望危通社:2017年国际重症医学临床研究进展2016 重症医学回顾与展望(再前面就没了——本公众号2016年04月29日才成立哦;之前的都在已经消亡的博客上了)二. 研究进展总结那么如何看待今年的研究进展?54页课件,纳入大约52项研究,其中17项是阳性结果,31项左右是阴性,还有就是没法确定积极还是消极的(比如ARDS诊断和治疗指南)而这17项研究也有水分!例如雾化吸入阿米卡星预防VAP的研究——尽管研究设定的主要结果——VAP发生率和细菌负荷在组间确实有差异,但真正的以患者为核心的指标——ICU住院日等并无差别;而且吸入抗菌药物是否会诱导本已严重的耐药问题也是一个关键point——因此这类研究如仅从研究设计的主要结果而言是不错的,但临床医生是否真正接受并执行则是另一个问题。还比如在最后的“其他”一节,纳入不少卒中的研究,均显示血管内的介入取栓效果好,但这是纯外科或者介入科的进展,放在重症领域就比较牵强。以上结果提示——纯重症医学领域的“里程碑式”的临床研究基本绝迹,而且该趋势已经稳定存在近10年!那为什么会如此呢?不如看一下Josh Farkas 发表在PulmCrit上的“ New ARDS guidelines reveal a shambolic(大混乱) state of affairs”一文(https://emcrit.org/pulmcrit/ards-guidelines/)
他写到:So, we have two high-quality guidelines written by international groups of smart people within a narrow time-frame. What happens when we line them up? They disagree. A lot.To begin with, there’s no clear definition of exactly what ARDS is. Recently, a new global ARDS definition was proposed that doesn’t require that the patient is intubated. However, the global ARDS definition has yet to receive widespread acceptance. To date, no major trials have been performed utilizing the global ARDS definition as inclusion criteria. This leaves everyone in a very uncomfortable position – sandwiched between a newer and unvalidated definition, and an older definition.……this is an embarrassment to our fieldIt’s 2023. Other fields have increasingly precise definitions of their diseases, facilitating accurate and personalized care. For example, there are five types of myocardial infarction, all of which are clearly delineated in an international guideline. Oncologists are increasingly defining tumor types down to a molecular level. Infectious disease specialists are using PCR to rapidly identify pathogens and predict their antibiotic sensitivity profiles.Meanwhile, pulmonary/critical care physicians have failed to reach any clarity about what ARDS is. In the absence of any clear definition, guidelines regarding ARDS management remain confused and conflicting. Among individual practitioners, the amount of practice variation and confusion about ARDS is even worse.It’s unclear where to go from here. ARDS isn’t actually a disease, but rather it is a poorly constructed syndrome (which is highly problematic, as explored further here). It might be ideal to completely abandon the construct of ARDS and just start over with something new that has a concrete definition (e.g., “acute diffuse parenchymal lung disease”). Alternatively, everyone needs to agree on what ARDS actually is, and then study it using that definition – to create a cohesive and consistent body of literature.Either way, the current state of affairs in ARDS is embarrassingly shambolic and needs to be fixed.……确实如此,当其他学科的疾病定义已经精准到分子水平,而我们的ARDS(以及sepsis),无论定义本身还是临床医生实践的感觉都处于越来越尴尬和混乱的局面!在这种情况下,指望重症医学有突破性进展很不现实。
——以最近发表在NEJM的他辛伐他丁治疗COVID-19的临床研究为例,(Simvastatin in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19 )
还是什么前沿的统计方法—— Bayesian design with no maximum sample size. Scheduled adaptive analyses are performed;fit with the use of a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm 都没有用!
(还是以上面辛伐他汀治疗COVID-19的临床研究为例,既往的研究提示他汀类药物、高呼气末正压、液体限制策略和糖皮质激素可能对高炎症反应亚型的ARDS/SEPSIS有效;而本次研究的队列几乎完全属于低炎症亚表型,其亚组分析表明 C 反应蛋白和铁蛋白水平较高的患者获益更大,而这两种常见的炎症标志物通常不用于 ARDS 患者的表型分型。你看,是不是麻烦大了!)