



世界急救日 | 吸入一氧化氮在成人急救领域的应用



2018年Tremblay等[1]发表的一项回顾性研究中,18例急性右心室功能不全患者均接受iNO 20ppm,中位时间为24h,仅在iNO的1h内,肺血管阻力,肺动脉压力以及中心静脉压均明显下降,心输出量显著增加,并且安全性良好。此外,iNO用于治疗急性心肌梗死所致严重右心衰竭[2]和外伤引起的心肌挫伤所致右心衰竭[3]均有临床案例报道,成功改善了血流动力学和右心功能。



世界急救日 | 吸入一氧化氮在成人急救领域的应用



肺动脉高压危象(PHC)是先心病患者心脏手术后发病和死亡的主要原因,iNO常用作抢救治疗。一项双盲、随机对照研究结果显示,先心病心脏手术后iNO可显著降低PHC风险,缩短机械通气时间,无明显毒副作用[4]。此外,在PHC高风险的产妇中,亦有iNO 5~20ppm治疗后顺利分娩的多篇临床案例报道[5-7]



世界急救日 | 吸入一氧化氮在成人急救领域的应用







1. Tremblay JA, Couture ÉJ, Albert M, et al. Noninvasive Administration of Inhaled Nitric Oxide and its Hemodynamic Effects in Patients With Acute Right Ventricular Dysfunction[J]. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2019,33(3):642-647.

2. Fujita Y, Nishida O, Sobue K, et al. Nitric oxide inhalation is useful in the management of right ventricular failure caused by myocardial infarction[J]. Crit Care Med. 2002,30(6):1379-81.

3. Meaudre E, Goutorbe P, Boret H, et al. Nitric oxide inhalation is useful in the management of right ventricular failure caused by myocardial contusion[J]. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2005 Mar;49(3):415-7.

4. Miller OI, Tang SF, Keech A, et al. Inhaled nitric oxide and prevention of pulmonary hypertension after congenital heart surgery: a randomised double-blind study[J]. Lancet. 2000,28;356(9240):1464-9.

5. Decoene C, Bourzoufi K, Moreau D, et al. Use of inhaled nitric oxide for emergency Cesarean section in a woman with unexpected primary pulmonary hypertension[J]. Can J Anaesth. 2001 Jun;48(6):584-7.

6. Lam GK, Stafford RE, Thorp J, et al. Inhaled nitric oxide for primary pulmonary hypertension in pregnancy[J]. Obstet Gynecol. 2001 Nov;98(5 Pt 2):895-8.

7. Nicholas Juul. Inhaled Nitric Oxide in a Pregnant Woman With Pulmonary Hypertension and Critical Aortic and Mitral Stenosis[J]. Chest. 2014;145(3_MeetingAbstracts):509A.

8. Piecek J, Valentino T, Aust R, et al. The Use of Nitric Oxide as a Rescue Modality for Severe Adult Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients, Including COVID-19, in Critical Care Rotor Transport: A Retrospective Community Outcome Study[J]. Air Med J. 2022,41(5):427-431.

9. Brown CJ, Rubel N, Lai J, et al. Initiation of Inhaled Nitric Oxide by an Air Transport Team in Adult Coronavirus Disease 2019 Respiratory Failure[J]. Air Med J. 2022,41(4):406-410.

10. Teman NR, Thomas J, Bryner BS, et al. Inhaled nitric oxide to improve oxygenation for safe critical care transport of adults with severe hypoxemia[J]. Am J Crit Care. 2015,24(2):110-7.





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